Tuesday 30 May 2017

T2W5 Word Work

Material: That material is very rare. The material of something could be something you need to make something. Middle English and Late Latin.

Various: There are various things. Maybe 2 or more things. Latin.

Carriage: That's a big carriage. Carriage could be something that holds lots of things or is pulled by a horse. Middle English.

Muscle: That is a lot of muscle. Muscle is something that grows on your body if you do a lot of sport. Latin.

Magnificent: There is a magnificent park in New York! Magnificent means beautiful or amazing. Late Middle English, Middle English and Latin.

Cafeteria: The cafeteria at our school is really bad. A cafeteria can be a sort of school restaurant. Americanism and Spanish.

Exterior: That is a big exterior. An exterior can be the outside frame of a house. Latin.

Stomach: You have a big stomach. Your stomach is a part of your body where all your food that you eat goes. Middle English, Latin and Greek.

Discussion: Let’s have a discussion with your parents. Discussion means to discuss a matter or talk about something. Anglo-French, Middle English and Late Latin.

Urge: The urge is real. Urge means you really want to do something. Latin.

Ascend: That will ascend fast. Ascend means to go up. Middle English, Anglo-French and Latin.

Cancel: You will cancel it! Cancel means to delete or not do it. Middle English and medieval Latin.

Acre: That is a big acre. An acre could be an amount of land. Middle English and Old English.

Machine: Is that a machine that makes chicken pies? A Machine could be something that does or makes something. French, Latin and Doric Greek.

Condense: That is very condense. Condense means it could be damp or compact. Middle French and Latin.

1 comment:

  1. I really like you title!
    Did you miss the part where we were meant to write silly sentences for our words this week? This was so that students could have some fun with their words this week.


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