Sunday, 11 June 2017

Own Creation (Key Com #2)

Homemade Stress Balls.

To the Left is a picture of the stress ball I made. 


What you need to make it is:

A bunch of flower
A bottle
A funnel
A pair of scissors
Optional: Glue, More balloons. 

How to Make the stress ball  

1. Start by putting the funnel in the bottle and putting flour into the funnel so it goes into the bottle.
2. Fill the bottle up about a 6th of the way depending on the size of the bottle, to the left is a picture of the bottle I was using it's a 1 litre bottle.
3. Put the balloon over the neck of the bottle and put all the flour into the balloon.
4. Now cut the neck of the balloon completely off and cut the neck off of another balloon and wrap it around the balloon with the flour in it. Wrap one more balloon around it and now we make the cool outside of the stress ball.
5. Get your last balloon and cut the neck off of it now cut more holes in it by folding it and cutting a semi circle, then open it up and you have a full hole. once you have at least six holes in the balloon then wrap it around your stress ball and there you have it. The finished stress ball.

I picked this project because I like making things you can use, for example you can use the stress ball to help you relax. 


  1. Hey Emil,

    This is a really cool way to make a stress ball.
    Did you have fun making it?
    I think that I am going to make this when I get home.

  2. Hi.
    My name is Elias from Yaldhurst Model School.
    That is a cool stress ball.
    Was it easy to make it?


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.