Tuesday 2 July 2019

Plastic Free July Day 2

Plastic Free July

Day 2

Today for plastic free July I'm using a soap bar instead of the liquid soap in a bottle which saves using a lot plastic bottles. The soap bars we got didn't come in a plastic bag, they came in these really small cardboard things which just wrapped around the bars. All I did was wet my hair, wet the bar and just started rubbing the bar into my hair. It works fine and I really encourage you to try it.

Below I have inserted an image of a reference photo so you can see all the plastic that I saved and you can save!


  1. Wow Emil, this sounds fantastic. I knew that it was the end of single use plastic bags however I didn't realise there was plastic free July. Are your family also following plastic free July or is it just you? I can't wait to hear how the month progresses, what a great citizen you are!

    1. Thanks for the comment and feedback Miss Power! We sort of try to stay away from plastic all the time but me and my family are trying extra hard this month, it's going to be an interesting challenge.



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