Monday, 20 April 2020



While my family and I were in lock down, we discovered a game called Yahtzee. Yahtzee is a fast luck based game. The objective of the game is to get everything on the score sheet. You play the game with a cup and five dice and have three rolls to try and get a specific roll. The score sheet will have different things on them that your trying to get. For example there is one called a Big Straight which is very difficult to get, the Big Straight requires you to get a 2, 3, 4, 5, and a 6. A Little Straight is just as hard to get, it is a 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Yahtzee is when you get five of the same, let's say you got five fours, then you would get Yahtzee which is immediately 50 points (you don't get the amount that you rolled in the first place so it doesn't matter if you rolled five one's, you would still get 50 points). The objective of the game is to get the most points.

Here are some of the other roll's that you can get. I will first say what it's called and then what you need to roll. Ones: The biggest amount of ones you can roll. Twos: The biggest amount of twos you can roll. Threes: The biggest amount of threes you can roll. Fours: The biggest amount of fours you can roll. Fives: The biggest amount of fives you can roll. Sixes: The biggest amount of sixes you can roll.

The sheet is divided into two sections. The first section is all of the rolls I have just listed, these are very important because if you get a total sum of that section higher than 63, then you get a bonus 50 points. One Pair: The highest pair you can get. Two Pairs: The highest two pairs you can get. Three of the same, four of the same and five of the same. Full House: Three of the same and two of the same. Little Straight and Big Straight. There is also something called Chance where if you don't get anything then you just add up the score. If you can't fill in anything on the sheet then you cross out one of the rolls. Yahtzee is a very fun and simple game once you begin to understand it.


  1. Superb remote learning Emil, you are showing great initiative and independence in managing your mahi with the support of kaiako!
    I really enjoy playing Yahtzee, it is fast paced, and you NEVER know what is going to happenšŸ¤“. Keep up the great work!

  2. Hi Emil.
    Great review of the game of Yahtzee. You have inspired me to head to our cupboard and hunt out 5 dice. Then challenge my bubble to a game or 3 or 10. Some photos of a game in progress could be a good addition.

    Sounds like your bubble is keeping very busy.



Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.