Thursday 29 August 2019

Team Time | Emil

Team Time

Every term we have 1-2 team times. Team time is a block of time that we get to do different things. Sometimes it could be going to the pool or going to watch a movie but most of the time we just get to hang around and have free time at school. There's usually a movie going on at team time if it's just at school but most people just play games on their Chromebooks. I personally like to go outside (if it's dry) and play football. To get on team time you have to have completed everything on a hand in sheet which tracks all the work in a term. I can't wait for the next team time!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Emil, Rhys here. I'm kinda using this comment section to comment on your timetable thing thats on your class blog, It's great I like how you did all the transitions and you made a little game for your viewers. Have you ever had to read a timetable? Let me know. It is a great post Emil I hope you keep up these quality posts (this post that I'm commenting on right now is pretty good too). Bye or should I say ciao (as you are learning Italian).
    - Rhys


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