Crystal: The Crystal was valuable. A crystal is a type of valuable rock. Old English, Middle English, Medieval Latin and Latin.
Artificial: That grape is artificial. Artificial means made by human skill. Middle English and Latin.
Musician: That musician is amazing. A musician is a person that plays music. Middle English.
Suspicious: That person seems suspicious. Suspicious means mysterious. Latin and Middle English.
Brooch: That Brooch is fancy. A Brooch is a clasp or ornament having a pin at the back for passing through the clothing and a catch for securing the point of the pin. Middle English.
Author: That is a very bad author. An author is a person that writes a book. Latin.
Portion: That is a very large portion. Portion is an amount. Old French, Middle English and Latin.
Introduction: That was a very good introduction. An introduction is something you do to introduce something or something. Middle English and Latin.
Unconscious: That man is unconscious. Unconscious means knocked out cold. English.
Famine: You look Famine. Famine is very hungry and starvation. Middle English and Latin.
Injure: I will injure you! Injure means very hurt. English.
Ghost: There are ghosts in this school. A ghost is something you can see but isn't actually there. Middle English and Old English.
Thorough: That was thorough. Thorough means perfect. Middle English and Old English.
Soldier: That is a good soldier. A soldier could be someone that goes to war. Middle English and Old French.
Physical: That is very physical. Physical means moving. Late Middle English and Medieval Latin.
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