Thursday, 5 July 2018

Ivan | New Enclosure

Ivan's New Enclosure

For our book The One And Only Ivan we are creating a new and improved enclosure for Ivan. We had to make better things for Ivan. We made a pool so he can have a bath and a swim, a flat screen TV, vegetation such as vines and trees to make it look more like the jungle and a tire swing so he can have fun.

Monday, 2 July 2018

Making Plastic | Emil

Making Plastic

On Monday the 2nd of July 2018 we made plastic. We started by putting in a cup of milk and then we had to warm it for a minute on high in the microwave. We then had to add 4 tsp's of vinegar and mix the milk and vinegar together until it formed clumps of curds. After that we put the curds into a strainer until the liquid was gone and then we squeezed the curds with our bare hands to get even more liquid out. Now we have to wait 2 days until it turns into plastic.


Diary Entry | Emil

Dear Diary

Today I painted 11 pictures of the black banana that’s sitting in the corner of my Domain, I also told Ruby a story about my childhood. The thing is that I promised Stella that I would get Ruby to a safer place but I feel guilty about that because I’m not sure how. Tomorrow i’m going to paint a picture of the brown beetle that has been sitting in the corner of my domain now for more than 3 days.

Ivan Description | Emil

The One And Only Ivan

Ivan the silverback gorilla was captured as a baby and lived with a pet shop owner when he was 1 year old for 4 years. When he became to big for the pet shop owners house he moved into The Big Top Mall, Video and Arcade where he has now lived for 24 years.

Ivan the silverback gorilla weighs an incredible 400 pounds and when he stands up on his two back legs he’s roughly two metres tall! He’s well built has black fur and rock hard fists. He has a silver moon coloured back.

Ivan loves painting pictures of creatures and objects that live in his domain. He likes watching funny cartoons on his TV and especially people slipping over banana peels in the cartoon, Ivan also likes Stella telling stories. Stella has a throbbing foot that looks as red as lava and is ready to burst.

Ivan lives in the Big Top Mall, Video and Arcade in his domain at one end of the ring of benches. He has a tyre swing and a small pond in his domain and he lives next to Stella.