Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Plastic Free July | Day 23

Plastic Free July

Day 23

Today for plastic free July I made my own cheese and crackers. Doing this saves lots of single use plastic packaging that really isn't necessary. All I did was get a reusable container which has two compartments and put some cheese in one and crackers in the other.

Did you know that in the last ten years we have produced more plastic than we have in the last century!

Below you can see just one example of all the plastic you can save!

Image result for cheese and crackers plastic

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora,
    I'm Grace a year 7 student from Yaldhurst Model School.
    I really like how you are trying to make a difference , and try to make the world better.

    And I like that your blogging about it .

    I think this was a great idea.
    Do you like doing this? Who came up with the idea.

    Kind regards - Grace


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.