Thursday, 29 August 2019

Team Time | Emil

Team Time

Every term we have 1-2 team times. Team time is a block of time that we get to do different things. Sometimes it could be going to the pool or going to watch a movie but most of the time we just get to hang around and have free time at school. There's usually a movie going on at team time if it's just at school but most people just play games on their Chromebooks. I personally like to go outside (if it's dry) and play football. To get on team time you have to have completed everything on a hand in sheet which tracks all the work in a term. I can't wait for the next team time!

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Basic Italian | Emil

In class we're learning Italian. Below are some of the basic first words that we learnt this week.

Wearable Arts | Emil

Wearable Arts

This term we doing something called wearable arts. Wearable arts is a project everybody in our syndicate (Totara) have to create a costume. The groups are 2-3 people because anymore and it gets out of hand. Every group has to fill in a workbook and they have to finish a prototype before they can start work on the final product. We're now into week six of the ten weeks we have to do it and we've just finished our prototype. Below you can see the prototype

Balanced Equation | DLO