Thursday, 29 June 2017

Teaching Blog Comments (Main Star#10)

Teaching Blog Comments

Things I do in my comments and suggest to other people:
  • Start with a greeting
  • Give some positive, thoughtful and respectful feedback
  • Ask a question
  • Suggest something they can do next
  • End your comment by thanking the person for sharing

The people that comment on my blog:
  • Mum
  • Dad
  • Friends and people that are in my class
  • People from other schools
  • Teacher's
One of Mum's comments is below:

One of Dad's comments is below:

One of Billie-Jeans comments is below:

One of my teachers commented on my blog below:

Speech Poster (Main Star#9)

Rendered Image
Below are just some pictures to show you what swimming I do.

To the right is a photo of all the people that were at school swimming.


To the right is a photo of some of the people that won a trophy or got a certificate in swim club.
I am the one at the bottom right left. With 1 trophy and 2 certificates.

20170225_160035.jpgTo the left is a photo of me and my sister after 1 of the swim meets with my ribbons. I got 2 1st ribbons.

Random Act Of Kindness (Main Star#7)

Random Act Of Kindness

For My Random Act Of Kindness I gave my sister a phone holder, a phone charger and a random act of kindness note. You can see below.IMG_5702.JPG

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Friday, 23 June 2017

Numeracy Reflection T2W8


This week for numeracy I've been doing maths action plan DLO's and i'm working on division by 4. I've also been doing prototec maths and maths buddy.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

T2W8 Word Work

Audience: You have a great audience. An audience is people that sit and watch what you could be doing. Middle English, Middle French and Latin.

Particularly: Particularly this one! Particularly means especially.
Middle English.  

Ignorance: Stop being so ignorant. Ignorance means you are rude and careless about issues or people. Ignorant also means lack of knowledge. Middle English and Latin.     

Artificial: This is artificial. Artificial means made by human hand. Middle English and Latin.

Odyssey: That’s an epic odyssey. An epic poem attributed to Homer, describing Odysseus's adventures in his ten-year attempt to return home to Ithaca after the Trojan War. Greek.

Phantom: I have phantom pain. Phantom means it’s not actually there but people think it is, Like an optical illusion. Old French Middle English and Latin.

Mystique: Since the book was banned from the library, it has acquired a certain mystique that has made it quite popular. A Mystique is a framework of doctrines, ideas, beliefs, or the like, constructed around a person or object, endowing the person or object with enhanced value or profound meaning. French.

Weird: That’s a weird door for a house. Weird means strange or different. Middle English and Old English.

Science: I love science. Science is a thing scientists do to figure something out. Middle English, Middle French and Latin.

Convenience: It was quite convenient. Convenience means suitable for the job or timing when something must be done. Middle English and Latin.

Absence: You are absent. Absence means not there. Middle French, Middle English and Latin.

Pohutukawa: That is a beautiful pohutukawa. A pohutukawa is a New Zealand tree, also known as the New Zealand Christmas tree because it has red flowers around Christmas time. Maori.

Accompaniment: You could be of accompaniment. Accompaniment means to be company to be with someone. Middle English.
Aesthetic: The colour of the room was nor very aesthetic. Aesthetic means relating to the philosophy of aesthetics concerned with notions such as the beautiful and the ugly. Greek.

Optimistic: I’m optimistic this will happen. Optimistic means you think it will happen. English.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Why Do Poppies Represent ANZAC Day? (Key Com#3)

Why Are Poppies Important?
/ANZAC Day\Image result for poppy gif

Why Are Poppies So Important To ANZAC Day: Worn on remembrance day (25th of April) each Year the red poppies were one of the first to flower in the devastated battlefields of northern France and Belgium in the First World War.  A lot of people also wear the poppy on ANZAC day (25th April.)Image result for poppy

To the Left is a picture of the type of poppie we wear on remembrance day (25th of April.)

Canadian Colonel John McCrae first described the Red Poppy, the Flanders’ poppy, as the flower of remembrance. Screenshot 2017-06-17 at 10.44.11 AM.png

To the left is Colonel John McCrae.

Here is a poem John McCrae Wrote about Poppies:

Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

T2W7 Word Work

Yacht: You have a yacht! A yacht is a type of boat. Early Dutch.

Mayonnaise: Mayonnaise is delicious. Mayonnaise is a type of topping sauce. French.

Minuscule: That is minuscule! Minuscule is very small. Latin.

Ancestor: I have an ancestor. An ancestor is the person that started your family. Old French, Middle English and Latin.

Foreign: Your foreign. Foreign means you come from another country. Old French, Middle English and Latin.  

Mischievous: You are very mischievous. Mischievous means naughty or evil. Middle English and Anglo-French.

Practise: I practise A lot to win the Olympics. Practise is when you do a lot of something maybe to achieve a goal. Late Middle English, Middle french, Medieval Latin and Greek.

Acquainted: I am acquainted with the town librarian. You have met that person and are familiar with them. Middle English.

Millimetre: You’re a millimetre away! A millimetre is a very small amount. French.

Occasionally: You occasionally go to the disco. Occasionally means not much. English.

Millionaire: I am a millionaire. A Millionaire is a person that owns at least 1 million dollars. French.

Licence: I just earned my driver’s license. A license is something you earn or get to have permission to do something once you have learned to do it. Middle English, Middle French and Medieval Latin.

Vacuum: I created a vacuum. A vacuum is something you make that sucks in a lot and takes all the air and space out of that area. Latin.

Millilitre: I only had a millilitre to drink. A millilitre is a very small amount of liquid. French.

Atmosphere: A UFO has entered the earth's atmosphere. The earth’s atmosphere is the air surrounding the earth. Latin.

Just Disgusting 40BC

Just Disgusting 40BC

Author: Andy Griffiths 

Character's: Rubber Duck, Andy, Jen, Mum, Dad and Sooty.

The Disgusting Test:
Do you do any of the following-or all-of the following:
Pick your nose, talk in burps or wee in swimming?

Do you ever wear the same two (or more) Days in row?

Do you wish you knew the most disgusting word in the world?

Do you think brussel sprouts are a delicious mouth watering treat?

Do you like stories about disgusting things like dead flies, giant slugs and mysterious brown blobs?

 Score: One point for each 'each' answer.
3-5    You are completely and utterly disgusting. You will love this book.

1-2    You are fairly disgusting you will love this book.

0    You are a disgusting liar. You will love this book.

Image result for just disgusting

To the left is a picture of the book


Sunday, 11 June 2017

Own Creation (Key Com #2)

Homemade Stress Balls.

To the Left is a picture of the stress ball I made. 


What you need to make it is:

A bunch of flower
A bottle
A funnel
A pair of scissors
Optional: Glue, More balloons. 

How to Make the stress ball  

1. Start by putting the funnel in the bottle and putting flour into the funnel so it goes into the bottle.
2. Fill the bottle up about a 6th of the way depending on the size of the bottle, to the left is a picture of the bottle I was using it's a 1 litre bottle.
3. Put the balloon over the neck of the bottle and put all the flour into the balloon.
4. Now cut the neck of the balloon completely off and cut the neck off of another balloon and wrap it around the balloon with the flour in it. Wrap one more balloon around it and now we make the cool outside of the stress ball.
5. Get your last balloon and cut the neck off of it now cut more holes in it by folding it and cutting a semi circle, then open it up and you have a full hole. once you have at least six holes in the balloon then wrap it around your stress ball and there you have it. The finished stress ball.

I picked this project because I like making things you can use, for example you can use the stress ball to help you relax. 

Thursday, 8 June 2017

T2W6 Word Work

Rendered Image
Representative: I am the representative of swim club. A representative is a person that represents something. Middle English and Medieval Latin.

Direction: That is a good direction. Direction is a way to go. Late Middle English, Middle French and Latin.

Principal: The principal of this school is very skinny. Principal means to be head chief or to be the boss of something. Middle English and Latin.

Principle: He was a man of principle and good to his word. An accepted or professed rule of action or conduct. Middle French and Latin

Community: Our community is a big one. Community is where you could live like New York is a vast community. Latin.

Extension: That's a really good extension on your bike. Extension could mean to make it better or bigger. Middle English and Latin.

Imitation: You're gonna get told off for doing that imitation. Imitation means to copy something. Middle English and Latin.

Opportunity: I will take this opportunity. Opportunity to do something like maybe you only have one shot at doing it. Middle English, Middle French and Latin.

Optimistic: I think we should have a lot of customers today. Optimistic means to guess. English.

Indispensable: This is indispensable. Indispensable means absolutely necessary. Medieval Latin.

Elastic: That is a very elastic material. Elastic means stretchy and flexible. English.

Confident: You seem very Confident. Confident means to think maybe you can do something like Defeat The Dragon! Latin.

Gigantic: That is gigantic. Gigantic means very big, gigantic was found from the word giant. Latin.

Convert: You can convert that. Convert means to change something. Middle English and Latin.

Instantly: You did that instantly. Instantly means to do it straight away. Late Middle English.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Geronimo Stilton The Karate Mouse 40BC

Geronimo Stilton The Karate Mouse

Author: Elisabetta Dami.

Blurb: Moldy mozzeralla! When my friend Bruce Hyena and his super-sporty cousin, Shorty Tao, entered me in the Karate World Championship, I couldn't believe it. I wasn't in shape, and I didn't know a single Karate move. Plus, I only had one week to train! How on earth was I going to become a champion Karate mouse in just seven days?

I rate this book a 8/10.                 
Image result for the karate mouse                                               

 To the left is a picture of the book. 

Sunday, 4 June 2017