Monday, 26 June 2017

Easter (Key Com#5)


  1. Hi Emil, Easter definitely has lots of different meanings for people depending on where they come from in the world, and what they believe in. For us Easter is a time which we enjoy together as a family, usually with a secret treasure hunt and some nice food. I enjoyed your post which made me think that we should try the 'downhill egg rolling' again :)
    Nga mihi nui,

  2. Hi Emil. It is a very good question - what has the Easter Bunny got to do with the Christian celebration of Easter? It is a bit the same with Santa and Christmas. Santa is not mentioned in the Bible, but he is celebrated everywhere around Christmas, which is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Often traditions change with time. It starts out as one thing and then it develops into something else. As different cultures and religions blend over time, so do their traditions. Keep up the good work. Dad

  3. Hi my name is Jedi, I love your slide about easter. It is very interesting. What is your favourite part about easter? Good job and keep up the great work!

    Jedi ◠‿◠✿


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