Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Lunchbox (Key Com#6)


  1. Emil your lunches look delicious. One of my favourite types of food to have for lunch is also sushi....with hot wasabi. Do you like wasabi too?
    Do you think you will ever like eating sandwiches, they are a super easy thing to add to your lunch and fill you up. What sort of filling might you like?
    Great mahi with your key coms! Keep it up.

  2. Hey Emil,
    Your lunches look real good.
    I like sushi especially the teriaki chicken ones.
    What do you like in your sushi?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Emil I am Nikoli from Yaldhurst school.
    I like the look of your lunches I wish I get yummy lunch like you,I love sushi.have you tried an omelet? Do you know what an omelet is? What type of sushi do you like?


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.