Sunday, 28 July 2019

Plastic Free July | Day 28

Plastic Free July

Day 28

Today for plastic free July I'm going to share with you about the five R's which are REFUSE, REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE and ROT. First of all REFUSE. Before you buy something made out of plastic think "Do I need this? Do I really need to buy this?" If not then you REFUSE it. REDUCE means to lower the amount of plastic you use, buy and just in general consume on a daily basis. Ask yourself "Am I keeping something that I'm not using that someone else could put to use?" Maybe donate something to an 
op-shop or sell on-line.

REUSE and RECYCLE... well, instead of throwing away things like bottles, plastic plates and plastic bags think of new ways to use them or at the least, RECYCLE them. Get your clothes or shoes mended instead of buying new ones. And finally, choosing things that'll ROT or break down naturally in your compost, worm farm or Bokashi bin.

At our house we have five large worm farms, four Bokashi bins (which are made from old paint buckets) and one large compost bin. The worm farms and Bokashi bins are for our kitchen food waste and the compost is for our green waste so basically none of our food or green waste is going to landfill. There were some blog posts I made you can go and check out about things such as biodegradable floss made from silk that comes in a glass container or a brand called Smartass that makes toilet paper, tissues and paper towels from things like bamboo. You can check all that out and buy all these things online. 

Did you know that in 2010 an estimated 60,327,785,210 kg and $242,618,950,000 worth of food waste was thrown away in America alone!

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