Thursday, 30 April 2020

Hiking Mornings | Emil

This week our writing task was all about waking up in the morning. I decided to do it about waking up in a hut on a tramping trip, hope you enjoy :)


My legs are crossed & I’m lying on my stomach. My t-shirt is sticking to my back
from all of the sweat. “It was definitely a mistake taking a winter sleeping bag
on this trip” I thought to myself. I can already hear that my dad and my sister
are up boiling the water for a hot cup of tea and porridge. The light is streaming
in from the gigantic windows forcing me to leave the warmth of my sleeping bag.
I jumped down from the top bunk and within a few minutes I packed up my
sleeping bag and stuffed it down into my big, bright turquoise backpack as well
as changed into my hiking gear. “Good morning” I say to my dad and sister and
I sit down to drink a hot cup of Milo and eat my porridge.

The grass outside the hut has a light layer of frost and the sun has just reached
over the hills in the distance. The birds are chirping and the trees are slowly
swaying side to side. We do our dishes and pack up all of our gear and set foot
outside of the hut and the grass crunches beneath my feet as we set off towards
the path.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Number Workbook | Emil

This week we have a workbook based on number problems.

Friday, 24 April 2020

Hand Illusion Art | Emil

Hand Illusion Art

This week we had to create a piece of art, so I drew a hand illusion. The illusion is very simple, you start by drawing an outline of your hand and then measure out some lines. You then draw some curved lines in the area where you draw your hand and your done! You can add in some colour if you'd like and other cool additions. I decided just to do the basic one. If you do some quick research, you can find some pretty impressive illusions!

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Perimeter Workbook | Emil

Here is a workbook based on perimeter that we had to complete.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

A Special Place | Emil

This writing here is the second activity after the Hide & Seek writing. We had to write about a place that is special to us and I chose a place called Pohara in Golden Bay. We had to make it as descriptive as we could so when the reader reads it, it's as if their there.

A Special Place

I can feel the wet grainy sand seeping in between my toes as I stroll along
the beach, the beams of sunlight shining down upon the glossy blue water.
The sound of people laughing and chatting in the midst of the rolling waves
crashing up against the shore and the potent smell of the salty seaweed
washed up on the beach. My family and I had just arrived after a five hour
long drive from Greymouth to Golden Bay. The journey felt as though it
had been stretched out for 10 hours because of my great anticipation.
We had just dropped our bags off at Sandcastle where we’re staying for
a week and driven down to Tata beach. I’m about to jump into the water
to do some snorkelling in my wetsuit and attempt to discover what lives on
the freezing seabed. “Splash!” I immediately feel the water rushing into
my wetsuit and cooling my body temperature down as I swim further out
to sea. I put my head underwater to try and spot some fish however the
water is seemingly an endless abyss. I know it can’t be deeper than three
metres considering it’s low tide so I make the decision to dive down.

The water immediately swallows me whole and as I go deeper my ears begin
to throb. I can see the seabed! It’s an eerie sort of silence down here and
freezing at that! There are many shells scattered along the bottom as
well as schools of fish in the distance. There are starfish covering the
seabed. I realise that I’m almost out of breath and I push off the bottom
as hard as I can and shoot up like a rocket. I gasp for breath.

Monday, 20 April 2020



While my family and I were in lock down, we discovered a game called Yahtzee. Yahtzee is a fast luck based game. The objective of the game is to get everything on the score sheet. You play the game with a cup and five dice and have three rolls to try and get a specific roll. The score sheet will have different things on them that your trying to get. For example there is one called a Big Straight which is very difficult to get, the Big Straight requires you to get a 2, 3, 4, 5, and a 6. A Little Straight is just as hard to get, it is a 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Yahtzee is when you get five of the same, let's say you got five fours, then you would get Yahtzee which is immediately 50 points (you don't get the amount that you rolled in the first place so it doesn't matter if you rolled five one's, you would still get 50 points). The objective of the game is to get the most points.

Here are some of the other roll's that you can get. I will first say what it's called and then what you need to roll. Ones: The biggest amount of ones you can roll. Twos: The biggest amount of twos you can roll. Threes: The biggest amount of threes you can roll. Fours: The biggest amount of fours you can roll. Fives: The biggest amount of fives you can roll. Sixes: The biggest amount of sixes you can roll.

The sheet is divided into two sections. The first section is all of the rolls I have just listed, these are very important because if you get a total sum of that section higher than 63, then you get a bonus 50 points. One Pair: The highest pair you can get. Two Pairs: The highest two pairs you can get. Three of the same, four of the same and five of the same. Full House: Three of the same and two of the same. Little Straight and Big Straight. There is also something called Chance where if you don't get anything then you just add up the score. If you can't fill in anything on the sheet then you cross out one of the rolls. Yahtzee is a very fun and simple game once you begin to understand it.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Rocket Stove | 2020

Rocket Stove

During isolation, my dad and I thought of an idea to build a rocket stove. A rocket stove is sort of like a mini stove. You have a whole in the side of whatever your making it out of to feed the twigs (or whatever your using as fuel) into and then the big hole in the top where all the heat comes out of. We made ours out of a bunch of old food cans and a bigger paint can.

We began by cutting both ends of one can out using tin cutters and then only one end of another can so we had one hollow one and one with only one open end (a lot of ones in that sentence). We then went on to use a rivet gun and two pieces of metal to hold both of these cans together. After that we made a hole the same size of the smaller cans in the lid of the big paint can where the small cans would eventually sit. We then had to cut a hole in the side of the cans to fit yet another can into the side where the fuel would be fed into. After this we cut some more holes and fastened some more cans until it was time to pour the cement.

At this time the cement is still hardening however, we're not sure whether we are going to have to knock the cement out and replace it with sand because of how the cement might react. We also added on some wire to the top where the pan or pot your cooking with can sit. I though that this was a really fun project and would love to do something like this again in the future. (Warning, if you are to make a rocket stove then it is the best and the safest to do it with sand as cement expands under heat. We will be changing it for sand.)

Here are some photos :)

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Hide & Seek | Emil

One of our tasks this week was to write about a memory of hide & seek or spotlight that you can remember and to try and paint a vivid picture in the readers mind. I wrote a story about a game of spotlight that I played on a skiing trip/birthday party. We played the game at the lodge we were staying at and it was around 10 pm.


I can see a tall tree in the distance sitting beside a pond.
“Squelch, squelch, squelch.” My shoes nearly slipping on the wet green grass.
I reach the tree and nestle myself amongst the many branches. “3… 2…. 1!”
The hunt is on. I can vaguely see the light of the humongous torch held by
the seeker in the dark. It’s an bitter night with a light breeze that washes
over you unexpectedly every 10 seconds or so and gives you a shiver down
your spine. I can see another player standing in between two houses in front
of me. “Pssst” I say. “Psssssst” I say again but this time louder. They turn
around and seem confused because of how I’m hidden in the dark.
I poke my head out of the tree and they see me. They run over and join me.
Eventually we gather four people hiding in the same tree and make a run
for it once we see the light getting closer.